Bagutta – Vergani’s Prize

The Bagutta’s Prize relating to art was born in 1957 and it was founded in the ambit of Biennale in Milan organized by Permanente and by Brera.
The commission of the prize is made up of the judges of the literary prize.
The works, which are given a prize, are donated to Permanente that keeps them in its art collection and it shows them indicating the phrase “Bagutta’s Prize”.
In 1960, after the II edition of the prize (1957 and 1959), Giovanni Falk, vice-president of Permanente, made the prize wider calling it “Bagutta – Vergani’s purchase – Prize for figurative arts” in memory of the journalist and photographer founder of the Bagutta’s literary Prize in 1927 and dead on 6th April 1960.
The editions of the Bagutta- Vergani’ Prize are 6 and they took place in 1961, 1963, 1965, 1967, 1969, 1971.



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