Hours and information

  • Opening Times
    Opening Times

    Exhibitions. Tuesday-Sunday
    10,00 – 13,00 | 14,30 – 18,30*
    Closed on Monday
    Secretary’s office. Monday-Friday
    9,00 -13,00 | 14,30-18,30

    *times may vary depending on events

  • Book your visit online
    Book your visit online

    *At the moment the service is not available

  • The Permanente’s visits
    The Permanente’s visits

    On the basis of planning, it is possible to organize guided tours, whose times and terms will have to be decided with the Permanente’s organizing secretary.

  • Events archive
    Events archive

    Enter the archive of exhibitions and initiatives
    *Free entry or entry fee according to the current exhibitions.


  • Statements and news
    Statements and news

    Press releases and Permanente’s news

  • Bookshop

    Opened during the expositive events

  • Contacts

    Milano. Via Filippo Turati 34, Milan
    Tel. +39 026551445
    Fax +39 026590840

  • Members

    Enter the area dedicated to Permanente’s members

La mostra fotografica Wildlife Photographer of The Year è aperta tutti i giorni, dalle 10.00 alle 19.00 e giovedì e venerdì fino alle 22.00. (La biglietteria chiude mezz'ora prima.) 

I biglietti si possono acquistare direttamente in biglietteria oppure online, cliccando qui.

Per informazioni contattare il numero: +39 3516982286  oppure scrivere a info@radicediunopercento.it