Sallustio Fornara’s Prize was founded in 1927 according the last will of the artist: “Every year Società per le Belle Arti ed Esposizione Permanente will give the purchases to the town council of Milan in order to put them in its Museum of painting, where they will be collected in a special Section with the name of Fornara Gallery and they will create in the course of the years a faithful chronicle of the painting in Lombardy”.
An annual 6000 liras purchase – Prize for works of painting that have to be donated to the city of Milan with the aim of creating a lombard art collection, which has to be placed in the Modern Art Gallery. There are 46 works bought thank this prize by Permanente and then given to the town council. They were bought during the Permanente’s exhibitions from 1927 to 1940, in 1948 and in 1954.
In 1950 the work of the Fornara’s collection were shown in the room on the last floor in Villa Reale in Milan and they were opened to the general public at request (for lack of surveillance staff).
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