To the origins of form

Pubblicato il
5 November 2012
Events archive, Press

Milan, Permanente’s building
15th  November 2012 – 20th  Janaury 2013
Mario Ballocco, Alberto Burri, Giuseppe Capogrossi, Ettore Colla |

The common exhibition To the origins of form. Mario Ballocco, Alberto Burri, Giuseppe Capogrossi, Ettore Colla is inaugurated on Thursday 15th November 2012 at 18:30 by  Società per le Belle Arti ed Esposione Permanente of  Milan. The exhibition, edited by Daniele Astrologo, Paolo Bolpagni and Ruggero Montrasio, proposes a wide panorama about the short and strong parabola of Gruppo Origine, founded in 1950 in Milan by Mario Ballocco, Alberto Burri, Giuseppe Capogrossi and Ettore Colla, going in particular into the following  creative developments of each artist. The first and unique exhibition of the group took place in Rome on Janaury 1951 at the gallery in Via Aurora and it closed in April of the same year. Few months of life were enough to trace the story of four masters of Italian art after the II World War, called to share the originally poetics as it was theorized by Ballocco in the article – manifesto published in the pages of the magazine <<AZ arte d’oggi>>: the origins of form is the common  denominator of expressive research, focused on the definition of an ancient language, which discovers in  everyone a peculiar aesthetic counterpoint. On the one hand the exhibition, realized at Permanente, wants to reconstruct the relationship among the four artists, establishing connections among the works in order to underline their similarities and differences, and on the other  it wants to show how the originally poetics continues in each of them, also after the group’s dissolution. At the exhibition in addition to a rich documentation: forty works coming from public and private collections chosen by the Comitato Scientifico  of the exhibition, made up of  Daniele Astrologo, Raffaele Bedarida, Paolo Bolpagni, Alberto Ghinzani, Ruggero Montrasio, Stefano Roffi e Volker Feierabend. The preparation of the exhibition is realized by Massimo Negri of th DNPR office. The exhibition is accompanied by a bilingual catalogue published by Umberto Allemandi & C.

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